Curves of Desire


The LA Trim Experience Shows

Warning: Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you have been treated for or

diagnosed with high blood pressure, heart, liver, thyroid, or psychiatric diseases, diabetes, anemia,

nervousness, anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, stroke, or difficulty in urination due to prostate

enlargement. Consult your physician if you are taking an MAO inhibitor or any other prescription drugs.

Discontinue use and consult your health care professional if sleeplessness, tremors, dizziness,

nervousness, headache, heart palpitations, or tingling sensations occur. Not intended for use by persons

under the age of 18. Improper use of this product may be hazardous to a person’s health. Note Guarana

and its’ extract contains caffeine.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before use.

LATrim Beach

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LA Trim and is solely owned and operated by Supplement Tech Llc Stratford, Ct

LATrim 120 capsules - Curves of Desire

Helps Suppress Appetite/Cravings - Excellent Extra Energy Booster! 

  • Totally Ephedra/Ephedrine-Free! 
  • Totally Effective with proper exercise and diet* 
  • Helps Rid Excess Water Faster* 
  • Supports Weight Loss without Ephedra!*
  • One of The Most Effective Weight Loss Supplements Ever Formulated!
  • ?Shed up to 7-10 lbs. a week and up to 30 lbs. a month.*
  • Works without extreme dieting or radical weight training.*
  • Works for even the most discouraging situations.*
  • Works with your energy level and overall well-being.*


Compare Nutrition Tech's LATrim™ side-by-side with some of the other products in its category, and you'll notice a few things. 

  •  LATrim™ Rapid Fat Loss Stimulator  ™ contains potent Hydroxy Citric Acid which may dramatically supress appetite safely without ephedrine!*
  •  LATrim™ Rapid Fat Loss Stimulator  ™ contains Coleus forskohlii (may amplify the thermogenic effects of caffeine)
  •  LATrim™ Rapid Fat Loss Stimulator  ™ contains Uva ursi and dandelion (may fight water retention -'the bloat')
  •  LATrim™ Rapid Fat Loss Stimulator  ™ contains glucosamine sulfate (may bind dietary fat, preventing it from being stored)

 LATrim™ Rapid Fat Loss Stimulator  ™ costs less (leaves more $$$ in your pocket)

But let's back up for a moment. You may be asking

Without Ephedra, can LA Trim really be thermogenic?

Absolutely. - 

Thermogenic = 'produces heat'. Thus, your stove is thermogenic (once you turn it on), as is your body. 

Heat = energy. As your body gives off heat, it's losing energy, which ultimately comes from the food you eat. Thus, the more thermogenesis you have going on in your body, the less likely you are to get fat. 

You don't need Ephedra (or ephedrine period) to increase your thermogenic rate! 

Dr. Moritani at Kyoto University has developed a technology for measuring the thermogenic effect of substances such as caffeine. Moritani's group (Nishijima et al., 2002) gave young men a caffeine capsule (300 mg, swallowed with 100 ml of water) or a placebo capsule 2 hours before performing low-intensity cycling. Those receiving caffeine burned more fat during exercise than those taking the placebo pill. 

Great! So 300 mg of caffeine taken before working may speed up your fat-burning 'engines'. But will less work? 

Yes. In assessing the research on this matter, Dulloo et al. (1999) conclude that a single dose of at least 100 mg of caffeine is needed to boost thermogenesis for 1-2 hours or more. Taking even more (600-1000 mg/day) can increase 24-hour metabolic (calorie-burning) rate (Dulloo et al., 1989; Bracco et al., 1995).